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General Reference

Darpa GC reference:

1). QID Team Instruction ver 2 .5

2). QID Process Description

Slides and Meeting Reports:

1). Preparation slides 

2). Project and progress overview

3). Obstacle Avoidance Simulation Platform (click to see large figure)


Technical Reference:

1).DGPS-INS Integrated Positioning

2).OSU Autonomous Vehicles

3). Autonomy in a restricted world

4). Longitudinal headway control of autonomous vehicles


Video Clips: 

  1. OSU Autonomous cars (QuickTime)
  2. TerraMax running in DPGC

Department of Electrical Engineering, 205 Dreese Laboratories, 2015 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH 43210
Maintained by OSU TerraMax Group
 © 2003 OSU. Lastest update: Nov-24-2003