Sensor Fusion Group


Group members


Dr. Zhiyu Xiang, Postdoc Researcher

Andy Chien, Master student

Cosku Kasnakogle, Ph.D. student

Yongjie Zhu, Ph.D. student

Description of our work:

Our group is responsible for the sensor fusion system on TerraMax, which can be divided into two different subgroups according to the function of the sensors: high level sensor fusion and low level sensor fusion. The function of high level sensors is to perceive the surrounding environments near the vehicle, to describe it with a suitable data structure based on which path planner can find a suitable way to the destination. Low level sensor fusion provides the necessary positioning information in conjunction with the description of the dynamic states of the vehicle to the system. On TerraMax, the high level sensors include: two mono-vision, two stereo vision, four laser rang finder (LADAR), two radar and 12 ultrasonic sensors while low level sensors are compose of two GPS, one INS, one compass, brake and steering sensors and odometers, etc.

Features of our sensor fusion system:

High level sensor fusion:

1.      A grid-based map is set up to describe the environments around the vehicle. The map can move with the vehicle, fusing new information from the sensors into the old map automatically. It is flexible and easy to integrate any new sensors;

2.      Based on the different information from the sensors, the grid of the map can be classified as road, vegetation, positive obstacle, negative obstacle, moving obstacle or unknown area, with a confidence representing the certainty of the classification;

3.      Mono-vision can detect the road boundaries;

4.      Two forward looking LADAR and the stereo vision system can detect the positive obstacles ahead of the vehicle;

5.      With the vertical LARAR, the system can tell the negative obstacle or up/down slopes ahead;

6.      The rear LADAR and radar can tell the obstacles behind the vehicle when backing up;

7.      Ultrasonic sensors around the vehicle are used to detect nearby obstacles when narrow passage is met. 

Low level sensor fusion:

1.      With the OmniStar’s High Performance (HP) service, a positioning accuracy of 20cm CEP with up to 20 Hz output rate can be obtained;

2.   Fusing INS, GPS and Compass by Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), higher data rate (up to 100 Hz) and stable positioning output can be obtained even when GPS outage happens;

Reports and slides:

  1. Sensor Fusion on TerraMax; (Slides)
  2. Summary of Sensor fusion on TerraMax. (PDF format)


Video Clips:


Department of Electrical Engineering, 205 Dreese Laboratories, 2015 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH 43210
Maintained by OSU TerraMax Group
 © 2003 OSU. Lastest update: Nov-24-2003